2. Oct. 2015 Villach AT
A participatory guided tour that tells the stories of spaces and people on the subject of postmigration.
Visitors of the "ORF - Lange Nacht der Museen" were accompanied by life stories and led on alternative paths that represented connecting lines between the individual museums and galleries of the city of Villach. "My history is a museum", the title of the guided tours, created representations and visibility of alternative city histories. The so called “Auf.Führungen” included personal experiences of people living in Villach, which were designed as stations in public space. Biography workshops were offered in advance to develop and specify the respective excerpts of the life stories.
The persons who performed these tours in 2015 were a high school student, an author, a tour manager (music industry), an educator, two asylum seekers, an engineer and a computer scientist. The offered languages during the guided tour were: German, English, BCS and Farsi.
Artistic direction & director: Katrin Ackerl Konstantin
Biography workshops: Rosalia Kopeinig
Assistance: Ulrike Wöhlert
Fotos: schau.Räume and Wade Olsen
This project was funded by: BMUKK - Federal Ministry for Education, Arts, Culture of the Republic of Austria; Province of Carinthia, City of Villach.
A cooperation with the ORF Lange Nacht der Museen
show.Rooms_local is a one-time performance in a vacancy or an intervention in public space. A more detailed explanation of the format can be found here.